Kat Jingling

Are you a female entrepreneur who feels like something’s missing in your life? Together, we can do something about that.

30 minutes can change your life!

I’ve lived with debilitating depression and anxiety my entire life. After taking medication prescribed to alleviate depression, I shifted into a psychotic manic episode and received the diagnoses of bipolar disorder. It was hard to accept, and I’ve struggled to live with the shame and stigma of mental illness. In 1990, after surviving a suicide attempt, I read the book “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay, and my healing journey began.

It was reassuring to learn that individuals diagnosed with these disorders can live full and rewarding lives.  I faced many challenges with my mental health during my 18-year career with the Federal Government.  It was exhausting, and I played into the ‘stigma’ and was able to hide my mental illness.  It was my dream job and gave me the confidence to utilize the skills and tools I gained on my journey to wellness.  Then without notice, I was “let go.”  I dropped into a deep depression, and before I knew it, I was homeless, for the first of three times, living in a tent with my cat. 

I continued on my healing journey and realized that I was no longer prepared to put my finances in the hands of others.  When I discovered that women with bipolar disorder tend to have excessive levels of ambition and a willingness to persevere toward goals, I knew entrepreneurship was my next big challenge. In the beginning, I often felt like my wayward brain made me an outsider, but as it turns out, faulty mental wiring like mine isn’t uncommon among entrepreneurs. Mental disorders are not only widespread but may actually stimulate the entrepreneurial dream.

I’ve experienced just about every emotion being an entrepreneur has to offer: the adrenaline of launch, the calm energy of the focused flow, the panic of feeling the mask slip, the anguish of failure and the relief, too.  The world of entrepreneurship isn’t easy, no one starts out knowing everything, but I’m still in it.  No day is the same, some days I love it, and my ‘why’ shines through; other days, I want to hide from the world.

After 30 years of healing, I can finally say I’ve found my purpose.  I have the pleasure of EMPOWERING depressed and anxious female entrepreneurs with the tools and skills to manage their mental health and create a guaranteed six-figure business built on their passion.

 It feels amazing to know that “the world needs the special gift that only WE have to offer.”

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Practitioner

Emotional Wellness Certiciation


Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Practitioner

Life Coaching Practitioner

Health Coach Certification

Mindfulness Practitioner

Isn’t it time you started to live the life you WANT to LIVE?

You have a BIG DREAM and you crave freedom, you know you’re destined for more in life, but there’s just one problem: You feel stuck. You don’t know how to get what you want. You’re overwhelmed by day to day life and no matter what you do, you find yourself stuck in the same place.

This is where I come in.

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Don't Wait Any Longer. You're Worth It.