Mental illness, the challenges and benefits of solopreneurship

 Mental illness, the challenges and benefits of solopreneurship

The challenges of starting a business are the same for everyone, whether they live with mental illness or not. However, a greater level of commitment and discipline is required when facing mental health challenges.

Benefits of self-employment include: getting to follow your passion, working a flexible schedule, and being your own boss.

Routine can be exceptionally challenging if you are living with a mental illness. For example, depression can significantly affect your workflow—some days, it may feel difficult, if not impossible, to get anything done.  A deeper level of commitment and discipline will be required to complete your tasks and maintain your routine.

Working from home can also be lonely.  If you’re dealing with the challenges of social anxiety, depression or another mental health issue, it can be incredibly difficult.  Working from home can act like excuses that will require a higher level of commitment and discipline to overcome.

What do I mean by this? Well, since you barely have to leave the house, you are at risk of reinforcing self-imposed social isolation. It is essential to be aware that home offices can provide the perfect excuse to stay behind the walls of your own home.

Exercise is another activity to help break up your day. Not only does it provide several essential health benefits, but there is also a vital social component. Why not try that new cardio class or yoga? I promise you’ll return to your home office feeling more focused and productive.

Another way to curb social isolation is by scheduling time for face-to-face interaction each day. We are social beings, so we need contact and feedback from others. At the end of the day, you have to find an approach that works for you.  The Covid-19 virus can create an even more significant challenge.

There is another essential point to mention. As a successful solopreneur, you have to love the challenge. Passion will help you get through all of the tough stuff that comes with self-employment. It also makes getting up in the morning much easier. No one will tell you to get up and go to work every day; it’s your responsibility and choice. But if you are passionate about your business, it will just be another day doing what you love!

However, as powerful as passion can be in driving your business, it’s essential to realize that passion is no guarantee of success. When you pair passion with hard work, success is more likely to be achieved.

For people living with mental illness, the additional commitment and discipline will play a significant role in the success of your business. If you think you’ve got what it takes, and you’ve done your homework, then solopreneurship could be an excellent career move.

Assertiveness 101

Assertiveness 101

Being assertive is a skill that comes naturally to some but not to all. It’s a trait and skill that can get you far in life when balanced evenly. However, if not kept in check, assertiveness can come across as abrasive, rude, or even mean or aggressive.


In this article, we’re going to explore the topic of assertiveness; we’ll cover what it means to be assertive, how to become more assertive, and how to keep that assertiveness in check.


What does it mean to be assertive?

Being assertive means being direct about what you need, want, feel, or believe, in a way that’s respectful of the views of others.  It allows you to identify and be clear about what you want.


What can you do to be more assertive?

Please pay close attention to what people say to you, try to see their perspective and don’t interrupt.  In the actual practice of assertiveness, you want to stay calm, avoid guilt-tripping, and use “I” statements. “I” statements (I think, I feel, I know) are much more assertive and more constructive than “you” statements (you never, you always), which tend to be more harmful.


How can you keep your assertiveness in check?

There’s a fine line between positive assertiveness and abrasive rudeness. An excellent way to keep yourself in check is to take time throughout your day to reflect on yourself, your behaviour, and your choices.   Working on your assertiveness skills allows you to go further and be happier in your life.

Feeling Shame About Your Mental Health can destroy your sense of “SELF.”

Feeling Shame About Your Mental Health can destroy your sense of “SELF.”

Mental illness influences everything from your thoughts to your behaviours and relationships. It may also distort your beliefs about yourself and worsen your self-esteem. It may feel like your days are filled with a series of obstacles.  Navigating life with a mental illness is complicated enough, but there is also an overwhelming sense of shame.


People feel shame about not being perceived as “normal,” but what the heck is “normal” anyway. They feel like “broken,” “damaged,” or that “they will always be this way,” They judge and compare their lives with others that they view as successful.

What makes shame so destructive is the isolation it produces and the stories it spins.  Shame relentlessly repeats a very compelling story about not being acceptable as-is, that to belong and to be lovable, and who they genuinely are.  Shame stops people from honestly and compassionately recognizing their uncomfortable position.  It makes it trickier to respond effectively to your mood patterns and recognize that you do have choices.


Shame can also serve as a structure of protection, a gatekeeper if you want that keeps them from dealing with painful feelings. When they stay locked in shame, they can avoid facing their sense of self or identity.”

Someone with an anxiety disorder may have shame-based thoughts such as “What’s wrong with me?” which keeps them stuck in their “wrongness” and stops them from exploring what’s driving their anxiety.  Uncovering these underlying ‘drivers’ needs to take place at its own pace when they feel safe, strong enough, and they are mentally ready.


Shame magnifies the feeling of ‘bad’ with being ‘bad.’  It says, “You feel bad; therefore, you are bad.” This belief forms when, as a child, they aren’t able to understand the difference.

Culture reinforces this by perpetuating the idea that mental illness is a sign of weakness or a character flaw. Someone living with a mental illness may feel like an outsider, have low self-esteem or feel ashamed.  You can reduce shame when you have a better understanding of it and become more accepting.  Cultivating self-compassion is to build a healthy, unconditional sense of self-esteem, which includes education about your mental health.  By doing this, it can help you escape isolation, connect with others and realize that you are not alone in your journey to self-compassion.

Bringing awareness to the stories you’re telling yourself about mental illness is also a critical part of overcoming shame.  When a person says, “I’m such a control freak, and so critical of myself when they don’t do things the ‘right’ way. There’s something wrong with me.”  Instead of judging themselves, they can rewrite their story, become curious about their experiences and consider other perspectives.  Exploring different possibilities, such as: “I wonder why I need to control things. Why it’s so important that things are done the ‘right’ way.”  Doing this helps them be more flexible in the story of who they are, rather than being “stuck” in the negative narrative that says “ they’re defective.”

Do You Believe in Your Potential?

Do You Believe in Your Potential?

While we all have dreams and aspirations, but few of us are fully aware of our potential. It can be hard to see the good and admirable traits in ourselves.  Here are a few ways you can determine if you believe in your potential.


Spend Time in Self-Reflection

The first way to determine if you believe in your potential is to spend time in self-reflection. Ask yourself what you are capable of; what are your strengths and admirable qualities. This time spent determining your potential is valuable to who you are and achieving your full potential.


Write Down What You See As Your Full Potential

Now that you’ve had time to reflect on what your potential is, it will help you affirm what your potential is and your belief in it. Listing these will help you keep your potential at the forefront of your mind and believing in yourself.


Prove Your Potential to Yourself

For some to believe in something, they need to see it.  A great way to see your potential is to challenge yourself by pushing the limits.


Surround Yourself with People that Believe in Your Potential

We all like to think we don’t let others affect us, but the reality is that the people around us, especially those close to you,  affect us and our emotions. Surround yourself with people that believe in your potential and encourage you to achieve all you can. Their positive influence encourages you to see and believe in your potential.


We all have a river of potential inside us, but few people truly recognize and believe in that potential. Believing is an essential part of your building your confidence and creating success. If you thank that you are capable of accomplishing something, you’re far more likely to achieve it.


Believing in your potential may not come as easily for you as it does for others. It’s often something we have to work on and prove to ourselves before we believe it.  I hope that I’ve helped you to see and believe in your potential.

Three things that are keeping you from discovering your life purpose

Three things that are keeping you from discovering your life purpose

You’ve longed to discover your purpose in life. You do the work to discover what makes you feel fortunate and satisfied with your life. But what is preventing you from fulfilling that purpose? What keeps you feeling stuck or trapped?  Feeling frustrated, even depressed, at your lack of progress certainly doesn’t help.

What can you do to get out of that rut?  You can decide to take control and identify what is preventing you from pushing forward.  The chances are, you’re in the grip of one or more of these common things that prevent people from discovering and living your life mission.

  1. Self-doubt

Even the best of us can fall prey to self-doubt at some point. It’s a way to keep yourself safe in a -confusing world. It is the fear of failure that can hold us back from recognizing your true potential.  We live in a world that values notable success and wealth; striking out for something you believe in can be risky.

But if you stay stuck in a fearful mindset, it’s guaranteed you will never achieve anything. Staying small prevents you from acting; it prevents you from growing and being your best self.

  1. Other people’s opinion

Self-doubt feeds off caring what other people think. There will always be an abundance of naysayers trying to stop you from living your dreams. And it’s a cast-iron guarantee that whatever your life purpose is, there will be people who doubt your vision and your ability to attain it.

However, there will also be people who support and believe in you. You should be your biggest cheerleader! You don’t need consent to fulfill your purpose in life. The will to pursue your passion is the only thing you need.

  1. Lacking intention

There isn’t much talk about this part of living your purpose.  But it is an integral part of staying true to your purpose.

Step up and be intentional about your purpose in life. Approach it by staying organized and giving it the awareness it deserves.

That means being accountable, writing it down, and having a plan. Start by taking the attention off yourself and think about the impact you want to have on the world.